Efficient Coordination and Synchronization of Multi-Robot Systems Under Recurring Linear Temporal Logic
Peron D., Nan Fernandez-Ayala V., Vlahakis E. E. and V. Dimarogonas D. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025.
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You can also find my publications on Google Scholar.Conferences
Enhancing Precision Agriculture Through Human-in-the-Loop Planning and Control
Shankar A. D., Sujet P., Matoses Gimenez A., Nan Fernandez-Ayala V., Wong R., Yu P., Tan X. and V. Dimarogonas D. Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2024.
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Multi-robot Human-in-the-loop Control under Spatiotemporal Specifications
Zhang Y., Nan Fernandez-Ayala V. and V. Dimarogonas D. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024.
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Distributed barrier function-enabled human-in-the-loop control for multi-robot systems
Nan Fernandez-Ayala V., Tan X. and V. Dimarogonas D. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023.
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Design of a HALE UAV for atmospheric imaging
Nan Fernandez-Ayala V., Vimlati L., Matoses Gimenez A., Delmotte H., Ivchenko M. and Mariani R. International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), 2022.
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Estimating unknown dynamics and cost as a bilinear system with Koopman-based Inverse Optimal Control
Nan Fernandez-Ayala V., Deka S. A. and V. Dimarogonas D. in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (submitted), January 2025.
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Distributed planning and control of multi-robot systems under human presence
Nan Fernandez-Ayala V. KTH Licentiate thesis, monograph, 2025.
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Control barrier function-enabled human-in-the-loop control for multi-robot systems: Centralized and distributed approaches
Nan Fernandez-Ayala V. KTH MSc thesis: Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Systems, Control and Robotics, 2022.
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